The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


Call for Papers: Thinking Publicly Proposals, Drew University (Madison, New Jersey)

Call for Papers: Thinking Publicly Proposals

Due: February 7, 2013 Date of Conference: June 7-8, 2013 Location: Drew University (Madison, New Jersey)


What exactly is a public intellectual? Can it be a blogger, a comedian, a teacher, a scientist, a historian, a celebrity, a small-town government official? Or does a public intellectual transcend these categories? How have our conceptions of public intellectuals changed over time? How does an intellectual function in the public sphere today?

Who listens to the public intellectual?


The Graduate Program in History and Culture at Drew University looks forward to discussing these questions and more at Thinking Publicly, a conference on public intellectuals, on June 7-8, 2013. Through this conference we hope to provide a space for emerging scholars to voice their perspectives on public intellectualism. We aim to broaden our ideas about public intellectuals and go beyond the limiting boundaries between disciplines. We highly encourage proposals from graduate students in all fields. New scholars, working public intellectuals, and independent scholars are also welcome to submit.


Papers and panels on all aspects of public intellectualism will be considered. Some potential topics include: • the history of public intellectuals • public intellectualism in a global framework • defining and problematizing the term public intellectuals • the use of humor in public intellectualism • platforms for public intellectuals to disseminate information • the role of public intellectuals in social justice and civic engagement • intersections between the arts and sciences • the use and methodology of present scholarship outside academia • teachers as public intellectuals • the future landscape of higher education • newer technologies and social media’s impact on the scholar • intellectuals providing obstacles for, rather than enlightening, the public • the forgotten “lost causes” of public intellectuals


Please submit a 400-word paper proposal no later than February 7, 2013.

Paper submissions should include a tentative title, a brief description of the project, and a two-page CV. Panel proposals should consist of a 200-word topic description, individual paper abstracts, and CVs for each presenter. Questions and paper submissions can be emailed to: