GC Library New Service – Scan & Deliver
“The Graduate Center community is a busy one. Students, faculty and staff are not all always on campus, especially during the summer, while conducting research, or in the midst of intensive semesters. This is why the Graduate Center Library staff are excited to announce a pilot program (May 15-August 15 2014) wherein we will “scan and deliver” information that we have available here and send you an electronic link to it so that you can access it wherever you may be this summer!
Just make these “document delivery” requests the same way you would make an interlibrary loan request, through your GC ILL account. (If you don’t have an account, you can create one with a GC username and password. If you don’t have a GC UN and PW, but should be eligible to use ILL, please contact us.) If you know we have the material, just add that information in the notes field. If you don’t know, we will check and rather than cancel those requests, make copies for you. We can copy articles, as well as book chapters, but not more than one chapter of any one book because of potential copyright issues. (Not to mention staffing limits which we hope to improve in the future!)
We hope that this service will be a great help to everyone and that we can continue to staff it when the semester begins and requests for interlibrary loans increase again. Please send all questions and comments to us (including any clever ideas you have for what to call this service) at ill@gc.cuny.edu”
source: https://gclibrary.commons.gc.cuny.edu/2014/05/05/new-service-scan-deliver/