Upcoming Online Events from the American Historical Association (AHA)
Monday, December 4, 4 p.m. ET
“Forgotten Warriors: The Long History of Women in Combat
Join Sarah Percy (Univ. of Queensland), Audrey Cronin (American Univ.), and Charli Carpenter (Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst) for a discussion on Dr. Percy’s new book Forgotten Warriors. Percy demonstrates that women were in fact common actors on the battlefields of history, explains why and when they disappeared from those battlefields, and how they fought their way back into combat roles. She demonstrates how combatant women are not just historical exceptions, but part of the warp and weft of military history. More information here
Monday, December 11, 4 p.m. ET
“Suharto’s Cold War: Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and the World”
Join Mattias Fibiger (Harvard Univ.) and Brad Simpson (Univ. of Connecticut) for a discussion on Dr. Fibiger’s new book Suharto’s Cold War. As he reshaped Indonesia and Southeast Asia, Suharto worked to preserve the link between his domestic and regional Cold Wars and the global Cold War, managing the challenges posed by détente and triangular diplomacy, the oil shocks and the collapse of Bretton Woods, and the human rights revolution. More information here.