The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Non-GC Events

2/8- From Classrooms to Careers: Listening Session with Employers

The Office of Transformation is hosting a series of CUNY-wide listening sessions to gather feedback from students, faculty, staff, and employers on the best ways to help CUNY students prepare for their futures.


Their next “From Classrooms to Careers” listening session on February 8th will feature employers, all CUNY alumni. This session will benefit faculty and staff supporting students during their academic journeys, as well as students actively navigating their pre-professional or professional lives.


The series is facilitated by Distinguished Prof. Cathy N. Davidson, Senior Advisor to the Chancellor on Transformation and Founding Director of the Futures Initiative, and Rachel Stephenson, Chief Transformation Officer.



Wednesday, February 8th, 4:00 – 5:00 PM

Listening Session 4: Employers  (RSVP here)


The workshop will hear from employers who will discuss what they look for in new employees. The National Association of Colleges and Employers has interviewed thousands of employers and ranks the top skills for any employee as critical thinking/problem solving; teamwork/collaboration; professionalism/work ethic; oral and written communication skills; technological and basic quantitative competency; and intercultural and global fluency. These five managers and employers from different private and public sectors and fields will talk about what they personally look for in a new hire. An open forum will then follow for comments, questions, and responses.



  1. Nikolai Avteniev (Brooklyn College Alum; CCNY Adjunct): Software Engineer, Stripe; former Principal Staff Engineer at LinkedIn
  2. Shannon Fales (Baruch College Alum): Senior Manager, Business Process and Policy, NYC School Construction Authority
  3. Katarina Matic (Queens College Alum and Zicklin School of Business Student): Global Senior Director, Monteith & Co; Edward T. Rogowski Internship Alum
  4. Kenneth Thomas (John Jay College of Criminal Justice Alum): Treasurer, Greenbacker Capital; Executive Director of Minority & Women Contractors & Developers Association; CUNY Internship Program Partner
  5. Eddie Torres (Hunter College Alum): President & CEO of Grantmakers in the Arts

For more information, please visit their webpage at