The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

GC Events

3/25- “The Armenian Woman, Minoritarian Agency, and the Making of Iranian Modernity, 1860-1979”


The Armenian Woman, Minoritarian Agency, and the Making of Iranian Modernity, 1860-1979″

March 25th, 2025

12 – 2 PM

MEMEAC 6304.23

The Graduate Center

365 5th Ave


Join for a conversation with Professors Houri Berberian and Talinn Grigor, who will be discussing their forthcoming Stanford University Press book.

With this book, Houri Berberian and Talinn Grigor offer the first history of Armenian women in modern Iran. Foregrounding the work of Armenian women’s organizations, the authors trace minoritarian politics and the shifting relationships among doubly minoritized Armenian female subjects, Iran’s central nodes of power, and the Irano-Armenian patriarchal institutions of church and political parties.

Catering will be provided. Registration is required.

To RSVP, please email Tamara Maatouk at 

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