4/3- “Seeking Funding in the Humanities & Social Sciences Best Practices in Proposal Preparation” Webinar
“Seeking Funding in the Humanities & Social Sciences Best Practices in Proposal Preparation”
Webinar Date & Time: April 3, 2025 3:00-4:30
Register: Click here
Questions: Stacy Modica, Assistant to the Provost (smodica@gc.cuny.edu)
Webinar Overview:
Are you interested in applying for federal or foundation grant support but aren’t sure where to start? Join for a presentation on foundational skills in grant seeking. While this presentation is oriented towards humanities and social science faculty, if will address a range of topics relevant across the disciplines, including strategies for gauging fit, agency engagement, crafting a timeline, and writing with the review process in mind.
Topics to be covered include:
• Searching for opportunities
• Strategies for gauging fit
• Differences between proposals and other academic genres
• The purpose of ancillary documents in your application
• How to prepare a concept paper & engage your program officer
• Best practices in crafting your proposal narrative