Barnard College Seeks TA
TA needed for Introduction to American History to 1865 at Barnard College (class population is usually 50/50 Barnard and Columbia undergrads). The lecture meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:40 pm to 3:55 pm, and the sections will be held on Thursdays and/or Fridays in midday or early afternoon. It’s an intro course, so the work/teaching load is relatively light, with 100-200pp reading a week, two real papers, four short response papers, a midterm, and a final exam.
Barnard can offer at least $3000 for the semester (with possibility of more). The Professor of the course, Andrew Lipman, would welcome interested MA and PhD students or recent PhDs (ideally studying US History but not required). All that interested applicants have to do is send him an email ( expressing their interest and letting him know what previous experience they have teaching; He will follow up with a Zoom interview.