The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Job Opportunities

Call for MALS Social Media Fellow for Spring 2024

The M.A. in Liberal Studies program is looking to hire a social media fellow to help the program disseminate information about the program, its curriculum, as well as the success of its students and faculty in Spring, 2024. The fellow will work on determining which platforms are best to showcase the program, as well as collaborate with the program’s Executive Officer and Deputy Executive Officer, faculty, and students to develop content for social media and set up a system to regularly make new posts.


The fellow will work for 10 hours per week for fifteen weeks; the compensation for semester is a stipend of $7500.


This position is for one-semester and there is no presumption of renewal. The existence of the post of social media fellow for subsequent years will be subject to an annual review of the anticipated Excellence Fees funding available to fund the fellow.


Application Specifics and Requirements


To be eligible, the student must be a current Graduate Center student (either an M.A. or Ph.D. student). The student must be enrolled for credit. (They cannot be maintaining matriculation). Students with a knowledge of social media, experience with digital humanities, interdisciplinary research interests, and interdisciplinary coursework (especially those who are enrolled in or who have completed one of the interdisciplinary certificates) are encouraged to apply. Strong organizational and interpersonal skills are essential.


Application Instructions: To apply, please send a statement of interest (no more than 1–2 pages), noting any social media background, digital humanities experience, and interdisciplinary courses, a CV, and a letter of reference from a faculty member (which can be sent separately) to the Liberal Studies APO ( with “Social Media Fellow” in the subject line. Inquiries about the program can be sent to Elizabeth Macaulay (, the Executive Officer of the M.A. Program in Liberal Studies. Applications must be received by 5 pm on November 29, 2023 to be considered.


Interviews for the position will be held in December 2023.