The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


Carolyn G. Heilbrun Dissertation Prize


The Center for the Study of Women and Society is accepting submissions for the Carolyn G. Heilbrun Dissertation Prize ($300).


The Carolyn G. Heilbrun Dissertation Prize – The award of $300 will be awarded to an outstanding dissertation completed at the CUNY Graduate Center in the given academic year. The prize is meant to recognize a dissertation that is in the interest of the humanities with the broad intellectual aims of Carolyn Heilbrun’s work. Please note, students are only eligible if they are enrolled in the Women’s Studies Certificate Program.


To be considered for the prize, candidates must submit a copy of their completed dissertation and the dissertation abstract. Additionally, a letter of recommendation from the dissertation advisor or the Executive Officer of the relevant program should be submitted by the deadline. These materials should be directed to The Center for the Study of Women and Society at The amount of the award is $300. The prize will not be awarded in a given year unless the committee agrees that a dissertation is worthy of the distinction.


The competition for the Carolyn G. Heilbrun prize will be open to dissertations completed and deposited between April 1, 2023 and April 30, 2024.


The deadline for the Carolyn G. Heilbrun Dissertation Award is on May 2, 2024. Please see the flyer attached for details.


You can also see past winners and their projects listed here:


Feel free to reach out ( if you have any questions at all.


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