The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


Charlotte Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship Funding


Now in its fifth decade, the Newcombe Fellowship has become a nationally recognized award that distinguishes recipients within their fields. Fellows receive a $31,000 stipend to complete the writing stage of their dissertation. The Newcombe Fellowships have supported over 1400 graduate students who have written dissertations which respond to and participate in, deep and meaningful conversations within religion, values, and ethics. The conversation may be from the ancient past, with modern relevance; it may be a unique perspective on a well-known topic; it may revolve around culture, art, societies, or identity. Those awarded a Newcombe Fellowship are often at the forefront of creative and original scholarship, proposing new insights and ground-breaking work in the questions and conversations surrounding religion, ethics, and values.

Candidates are evaluated based on scholarly excellence; quality and originality of the project; and commitment to research that advances religious understanding, ethics, and values.

The purpose of the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship is to offset living expenses while the dissertation is completed. Fellows must use the award for the final year of writing the dissertation. Fellows’ graduate schools will be asked to waive tuition and fees while maintaining health insurance for Newcombe Fellows.

Applicants must have completed all course work, passed all preliminary examinations, and received approval for their research proposals or plans by the November deadline.

The application is open primarily to fields of study in the humanities and social sciences. Scholars engaged in science, technology, engineering, and math fields may apply provided questions of religion, ethics, or values are central to the dissertation.

Information can be found at


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