The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Job Opportunities

City College of New York seeks adjuncts

The City College of New York seeks adjuncts for Spring 2019 semester for the following courses:


1) BLST 10100- African Heritage and the Afro-American Experience

Introduction to Black “roots” from ancient Africa to contemporary America as an orientation to the nature of Black Studies emphasizing its relationships to world history, Europe, Asia, the Americas, slavery, Reconstruction, colonization, racism, and their politico-economic and cultural impact upon African descendants worldwide.

T, TH 9:30AM-10:45AM

estimated students: 40


2) BLST 15700- Racism and Mass Incarceration and the American Legal System 

Contemporary legal institutions, their intrinsic race and class biases, the peculiar development and entaglement of the American legal system on every facet of the Black experience.

T, TH 11:00AM-12:15PM

estimated student: 35


If interested, please email your CV to Prof. Jodi-Ann Francis, Associate Director of the Black Studies Program, at