The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


Fall 2023 Alumni and Student Accomplishments

Celebrating our students and alumni on their recent successes!!


Arinn Amer has published articles in AHA Perspectives Daily, Jacobin, and Hey Alma.

Soheil Asefi has published pieces in LeftEast and Zeitgeschichte Online. He  presented Queer History from “South” to “North”: Transnational Mobilities in the Twentieth Century at the AHA conference in San Francisco, Jan 2024.

Israel Ben-Porat published “Protestant Rabbi: The Conversion of Judah Monis in Colonial Massachusetts” in Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought 55.4 (Fall 2023): 55-77.

Michael Brenes (PhD 2014) is now Associate Director of the Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy and a Lecturer in History in Yale University. He’s started a history of the War and Terror from Clinton to the present, and is co-writing a forthcoming book with Van Jackson titled The Rivalry Peril: How Great-Power Competition Threatens Peace and Weakens Democracy. He is also co-editing two volumes with Daniel Bessner, one on the relationship between domestic politics and U.S. foreign policy (to be published by Palgrave MacMillan), and the other on the history of Cold War liberalism.

Mayaan Brodsky defended his dissertation, “Questionable Intelligence – Secrecy and Intelligence in Richard Nixon’s Life,” without a need for revisions in December 2023.

Emily Brooks (PhD 2019) had her book, Gotham’s War within a War: Policing and the Birth of Law-and-Order Liberalism in World War II-Era New York City, published in October 2023 in the Justice, Power, and Politics Series from the University of North Carolina Press. An excerpt ran in City & State NY and she did an interview about the book with Hell Gate. She also published a four-book review essay in the Journal of Urban History called “The Politics of Policing.” Furthermore, her department at the New York Public Library’s Center for Educators and School also published their first curricula, “To Make Public Our Joy”: Black New Yorkers Commemorating Emancipation, 1808-1865.

Evelyn Burg (PhD 2003) recently published an article, “Chaos and Form: George Santayana and William James in Darwin’s World,” Limbo (supplement to teorema) Num. 43, 2023: 13-36.  ISSN: 0210-1602. The issue celebrated the centennial of Santayana’s Skepticism and Animal Faith (1923), and presented a paper at the Society for U.S. Intellectual History annual conference as part of a panel on Pragmatism: “George Santayana versus William James and Kenneth Burke on Naturalism” on November 10, 2023 in Denver, CO.

Kristopher Burrell (PhD 2011, Associate Professor at Hostos Community College) was part of a panel at the American Historical Association Meeting in Philadelphia, “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Content and Method: Strategies at an Institutional Level.” He was also interviewed for a segment of CUNY’s DiverCITY TV program about civil rights movement figure, Claudette Colvin, who lived much of her adult life in the Parkchester neighborhood of the Bronx. Furthermore, he was also invited to give a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day lecture at St. Paul’s Church-National Historic Site, Mount Vernon, NY. It was titled, “Martin Luther King, Jr. as ‘Trustee:’ The Nobel Acceptance Speech as a Meditation on Human Rights, Human Capacities, and Human Dreams.”

Nicholas Cross (PhD 2017) started a position as the Assistant Professor of Ancient Mediterranean History at the United States Naval Academy.

Erin Cully defended her dissertation, “Turf War: Interstate Banking And Industry Consolidation, 1965-1998.”

Benjamin Diehl’s article “Sergei Chakhotin Against the Swastika: Mass Psychology and Scientific Organization in the Iron Front’s Three Arrows Campaign” was accepted for publication in Central European History, to appear in September 2024.

Carla J DuBose-Simons (PhD 2013, Assistant Professor at Westchester Community College) was named a SUNY Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Fellow for the 2023-2024 academic year.  SUNY DEISJ Fellows are experts in diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice content who aid in the implementation of new SUNY General Education DEISJ learning outcomes across the university by providing peer-to-peer support to faculty developing DEISJ courses.

Deena Ecker is presenting her paper, “Prostitutes in Private: Sexual & Consumer Culture in Early-20th Century New York Tenements” at the Massachusetts Historical Society’s History of Women, Gender and Sexuality Seminar on January 23.

Christopher Ewing (PhD 2018) published his book, The Color of Desire: The Queer Politics of Race in the Federal Republic of Germany after 1970 with Cornell University Press (December 2023). He has also been awarded the Humanities Research Center – Freilich Project for the Study of Bigotry Visiting Fellowship to spend six weeks in residence at the Australian National University to work on his second book on transnational hate crimes activism.

Scott Gac (PhD 2003) has published his book, Born in Blood: Violence and the Making of America, with Cambridge University Press (January 2024) and The Primus Project, which he co-directs, has issued its first three reports on the history of Trinity College and slavery for the college’s bicentennial.   

David Hamilton Golland (PhD 2008) is excited to announce the release of his forthcoming third book, Livin’ Just to Find Emotion: Journey and the Story of American Rock (Rowman & Littlefield, 2024). The Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences at Monmouth University in New Jersey, Golland recently published “Don’t Stop Believin’: Journey, Race, and the Making of a Rock Legend” in Rock Music Studies.

Julián González de León Heiblum (PhD 2021) published “Imaginación política Y La Nueva Historia Imperial: Más Allá Del Estado-nación Y Su Narrativa,” in Historia Y Grafía, n.º 62 (diciembre):323-66. And have accepted “From Loss to Oblivion: Remembering the Empire of Arthur. An Essay on Emotions and Myths” Contributions to the History of Concepts (forthcoming).

Sean Griffin (PhD 2017) has accepted a Visiting Assistant Professor position at the College of Charleston. His book The Root and the Branch: Working-Class Reform and Antislavery, 1790–1860, will be published by Penn Press in Spring/Summer ’24.

David Houpt‘s (PhD 2015) book, To Organize the Sovereign People: Political Mobilization in Revolutionary Pennsylvania was published by UVA Press in November. He has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington.

Timothy Scott Johnson (PhD 2016) is now an Assistant Professor of History at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.

Mimi Keghida will be presenting a paper based on the research for the final chapter of her dissertation, “Amédee Desjobert and the Physiocratic Origins of the Anti-Colonialist argument in the French Chamber of Deputies, 1827-1852,” at the annual conference of the Society for French Historical Studies this March.

Phil Keisman (PhD 2023) put together a conference at the GC on December 4th and 5th: “Jews and Modern Travel Literature,” which included a curated visit to the archives at the Jewish Theological Seminary.

Tim Keogh (PhD 2017, professor at Queensborough CC-CUNY) published “In Levittown’s Shadow: Poverty in America’s Wealthiest Postwar Suburb” (U Chicago Press), which won the Dixon Prize, and got shortlisted by Publisher’s Weekly.

Andrew Kotick (PhD 2022) published his first article, “Le Rire and the Meaning of Cartoon Art in Fin-de-Siècle France” in French Politics, Culture & Society 41, no. 2 (2023): 1-25. DOI: It’s been nominated for the Council of European Studies first article prize.

Lindsay Sarah Krasnoff (PhD 2009) published her second book, Basketball Empire: France and the Making of a Global NBA and WNBA (Bloomsbury).  She is also teaching at the NYU Tisch Institute for Global Sports.

James LePree (PhD 2008, Adj Asst Professor of City College) published an article in the American Benedictine Review on the influence of the Rule of St. Benedict on the Via regia of Smaragdus, Benedictine abbot of St. Mihiel. His book, the Via regia,  should be published this month, and will be the first English translation of the text which is a guide for Charlemagne’s son Louis the Pious to rule according to God’s mandates. He is also engaged in researching the history of Church liturgy during the Early Middle Ages, with the help of Yitzhak Hen, Director of International Studies in University of Jerusalem.

Marta Millar won the CUNY Graduate Center’s 2023 Images of Research photo competition for her picture “The Sands of Time Shift.  She took this photo of the colonial railway in the Namib Desert while conducting research in Namibia in July 2023. Her research was partially funded by the Paul Naish fund through the the PhD Program in History.

Timothy G. Lynch (PhD 2004) has been named President of the College of Staten Island.

Gwynneth Malin (PhD 2013) was invited by the Climate Lab series at the New- York Historical Society to join a conversation called From Aqueducts to Adaptation – New York’s Water System with Rohit T. “Rit” Aggarwala, Eric Sanderson, and Russell Shorto held on November 14, 2023.

Phillip Papas (PhD., 2003) co-wrote an article “Patriotism and Protest: Joseph T. Angelo and the Bonus March” which was published in vol. 9, no. 2 (Summer 2023) of the open access online journal New Jersey Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal.

Phoenix Paz won the 2024 CLACLS Reportage Fellowship and was nominated for the 2024 Excellence in Teaching Prize at John Jay after her first semester.

Brad Pelletier’s article, “An Ill-bred Culture of Experimentation: Malaria Therapy & Race in the United States Public Health Service Laboratory at the South Carolina State Hospital (1932-1952)” was published in The Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. His paper, “Creating Pineland: Disability & Race inside the South Carolina State Hospital (1930-1970)” was accepted for presentation at the 2024 annual meeting of the American Association for the History of Medicine in Kansas City, Missouri, from May 9-12, 2024.

Walter Penrose (PhD 2008) was awarded a NEH Fellowship for the 2024-25 academic year to complete his book manuscript on Artemisia II, which is under contract with Oxford University Press. The project title is The Legacy of Artemisia II: Rethinking the Role of a Forgotten Figure in the Origins of Feminism and the Performing Arts.

Chris Rominger (PhD 2018) accepted a position as Assistant Director for Curricular and Pedagogical Innovation at Boston University’s Kilachand Honors College.

Melanie Rush had her article, “As though their father were dead”: Gender and Indenture in New York’s Legal Regime of Gradual Emancipation,” accepted by the Journal of the Early Republic.

David Sclar (PhD 2014)  curated an exhibition “The Golden Path: Maimonides Across Eight Centuries,” exploring the life, impact, and reception of the great medieval Jewish philosopher, legalist, and physician. It’s on view through February 2024 at the Yeshiva University Museum at the Center for Jewish History in Manhattan. Here is the exhibition website and a review in the Wall Street Journal.  He also authored and edited a book of the same name.

Johnathan Thayer’s (PhD 2018) book Citizenship, Subversion, and Surveillance in U.S. Ports: Sailors Ashore was published in the Palgrave Macmillan Global Studies in Social and Cultural Maritime History series (December 2023).

Evan Turiano‘s (PhD 2022)  dissertation was awarded three prizes: the College of Charleston Carolina Lowcountry and Atlantic World program’s Rachel Hines Prize; the Abraham Lincoln Association/Abraham Lincoln Institute Hay-Nicolay Dissertation Prize; and the St. George Tucker Society’s Bradford-Delaney Dissertation Prize.

Erik Wallenberg graduated from the program in September 2023. His article, “Staging Environmental Racism: The Free Southern Theater’s Environmental Justice Script and Use of Documentary Theater” was published in The Journal of African American History this Fall 2023. He was Visiting Assistant Professor of History at New College of Florida 2022-2033 and is currently Historical Consultant for The Miami Center for Racial Justice.