The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

History Program EventsNews

February 2020 list of accomplishments by our students and alumni

Hear ye hear ye! Read on for quite a bit of good news from alumni and current students!


Arinn Amer received the 2019 Northeast Conference on British Studies David Underdown prize for best graduate student paper


Paula Austin (PhD, 20 15) published Coming of Age in Jim Crow DC  in December 2019, to the acclaim of the African American Intellectual History Society


Michael Brenes  (PhD, 2014) is Associate Director of the Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy and Lecturer in History at Yale University.


Kristopher Bryan Burrell (PhD, 2011) has contributed chapters to two edited volumes:  The Strange Careers of the Jim Crow North: Segregation and Struggle outside the South (NYU Press, 2019). and Educational Technology at an Urban Community College (Palgrave McMillan, 2019).He also had two essays published online at Public Seminar: “The Dilemma of Black Citizenship” (August 23, 2019) and “‘I Was Called, Too’: The Life and Times of Coretta Scott King” (January 21, 2020). And he has earned tenure at Hostos Community College last semester, to take effect in September 2020.


Mila Burns (PhD, 2017) recently published Dona Ivone Lara’s Sorriso Negro (Bloomsbury Academic, 2019)


Lawrence Cappello (PhD, 2017) is getting some attention for None of Your Damn Business


Matthew J. Cotter (PhD, 2013) is Executive Director of the CUNY Faculty Senate

Jeffrey Culang (PhD, 2017) just started a Volkswagen/Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities at the Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient in Berlin.

David Gary (PhD, 2013) is Associate Director of Collections at the American Philosophical Society

(Timothy) Scott Johnson (PhD, 2016) has a translation of François Ewald’s Histoire de l’état providence is coming out with Duke University Press in May (as The Birth of Solidarity: The History of the French Welfare State).


Tim Keogh (PhD, 2016) is an Assistant Professor at Queensborough Community College of the City University of New York.


Kevin McGruder (PhD, 2010) is Vice President for Academic Affairs at Antioch College (Yellow Springs, Ohio).


Logan McBride (PhD, 2018) was on the author team with Ronald Kitchen and Thai Jones for My Midnight Years .


Stanley Mirvis (PhD, 2013) has The Jews of Eighteenth-Century Jamaica: A Testamentary History of A Diaspora in Transition  coming out with Yale in May.


Victoria (Tori) Mondelli (PhD, 2009) accepted a new position at the University of Missouri, Columbia, as the Founding Director of the Teaching for Learning Center


Richard A. Naclerio will be published in the Progressive Era section of the online history textbook, “The American Yawp.”


Lauren Santangelo (PhD, 2014) has a new book our – Suffrage and the City .


Andrew DJ Shield (PhD, 2015) accepted a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor of Migration History at Leiden University in the Netherlands. With this research position within the university’s research program “Governance of Social Citizenship and Migration,” he will start a new project on queer migration history. In December, he published his second monograph, Immigrants on Grindr: Race, Sexuality and Belonging Online (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019).


Evan Turiano received a Nau Center Library Fellowship from the University of Virginia’s Nau Center for Civil War History.


Katie Uva won the Urban History Association’s Graduate Student Blogging Competition for her post, “Funding the World of Tomorrow: Public-Private Partnerships and the 1939 World’s Fair.”