The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Job Opportunities

GC History Education Website Manager/Editor Position

History Education Website Manager/Editor


American Social History Project (ASHP) is seeking a CUNY GC student in History or Urban Education for a part-time (7 hours per week) College Assistant position assisting ASHP staff in maintaining and updating HERB: Social History for Every Classroom (, ASHP’s resource website for middle and high school U.S. history teachers. Work will include: researching, editing, and entering new materials; tagging and organizing existing materials; promoting the site’s resources via social media and other means; and tracking site usage patterns via Google Analytics.



  • GC student in History or Urban Education
  • Interest and/or experience in history and social studies education
  • Strong writing and editing skills
  • Experience with social media


Salary:  $17/hour


Please send resume and letter of interest to Ellen Noonan (