GCDI Events and Workshops for February
Workshops and Talks: “NYC DHWeek 2019” February 4 – 8, 2019
DHWeek is an annual celebration of the Digital Humanities in New York City and features networking sessions, a DH community meeting, open workshops offered across the city, and social events. DHWeek offers another amazing week of workshops and talks for all skill levels.
Schedule and Registration HERE
Workshop: “Fair Use and the Digital Humanities” Tuesday, February 5th, 2019, 1:00-3:00pm
Jill Cirasella, Associate Librarian for Public Services and Scholarly Communication, offers a crash course on fair use, particularly for digital humanities projects that use copyrighted works as data. We will look at the wiggle room intentionally built into the language about fair use in United States copyright law, as well as the increasing importance of transformativeness in fair use rulings. (co-sponsored with NYC DHWeek and the Mina Rees Library)
Workshop: “Betwyll: Discover the Potential of Social Reading” Wednesday, February 6th, 2019, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Iuri Moscardi, Ph.D. candidate in Comparative Literature, Betwyll is a social reading app which allow people to comment on texts in short messages. It can be employed as a didactic tool to have students read literary texts but it can also be applied to more performative texts, allowing people to express their skills and at the same time to build a community of readers, which can develop outside the app. Attendees should bring a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) and have the free Betwyll app downloaded from the Google or Apple Store. (co-sponsored with NYC DHWeek)
Workshop: “Introduction to Network Analysis with Python” Wednesday, February 6th, 2019, 6:30-8:30pm
Networks are increasingly common aspects of contemporary life: social networks, transportation networks, information networks, citation networks, and more. Networks consist of nodes (individual people or things) and edges (links, relationships, or interactions) that connect them. Researchers increasingly use network analysis to investigate the structures and connective relationships of networks relevant to their discipline. In this workshop, we will discuss foundational concepts of network analysis, the different types of networks, some analytical tools and concepts and different types of plots. We will also discuss the basics of network analysis in Python using the NetworkX library. We will create basic networks from scratch, adding nodes, edges and metadata and plotting it. We will see how to use list comprehension to create sub-networks with nodes of interest and edges of interest. Finally, we will learn how to deal with real existent databases, how to import them and prepare them to be analyzed in Python. (co-sponsored with NYC DHWeek)
Workshop: “Analytical Modeling of Historic Buildings and Artifacts” Friday, February 8th, 2019, 1:00-3:00pm
This workshop is for anyone who is interested in learning more about digital modeling of the historic built world. The workshop samples some of the Building History Project’s recent projects in New York and abroad, along with a more detailed case study of on going work with Metropolitan Museum of Art conservator Pascale Patris. At the end of the talk we will set up a follow up session using the museum galleries for an “on site” demonstration of the documentation process and 3d printed study modeling that anyone can master in a few hours and tailor to their own teaching and research. (Co-Sponsored with NYC DHWeek)
Office Hours: “GC Digital Fellows Office Hours” Monday, February 11th 2019, 3:00-5:00pm, Room 7414
Have a question about your digital project? Looking for more information on where to get started learning a new technology, skill, or research method?The GC Digital Fellows hold Office Hours once a week during the academic year, staffed with a rotating lineup of our Fellows. We invite you to drop in during these hours, or contact us in advance to let us know how we can best support your digital work–particularly if you have a specific area of interest. During the Spring 2019 semester, office hours will be held in the Digital Scholarship Lab, GC Room 7414 once per week on alternating Monday afternoons (3:00-5:00 p.m.) and Wednesday evenings (5:00-7:00 p.m.): Monday, February 11th, 3:00-5:00 p.m; Wednesday, February 20th, 5:00-7:00 p.m; Monday, February 25th, 3:00-5:00 p.m. Schedule available online at http://cuny.is/dfofficehours.
Working Group: “Python Users’ Group (PUG)” Monday, February 11th 2019, 6:30-8:30pm
PUG is an open and informal collaborative space for experimentation and exploration with the Python programming language. It is an opportunity for those interested in Python to come to the GC Digital Scholarship Lab to work together and find support. Whether you are looking for advice or assistance with new or current projects, looking to discuss and learn new skills using Python tools, or to join us to play around with our collection of sample datasets, PUG is your place! PUG is open to people of all skill levels, disciplines, and backgrounds. Complete beginners to Python will find a place here. During the spring 2019 semester, we will meet on the second Monday of every month at 6:30pm in the GC Digital Scholarship Lab (Room 7414). No registration required. For more information, visit cuny.is/pug.
Open House: “GC Digital Scholarship Lab Open House” Wednesday, February 13th 2019, 1:00pm-7:00pm, Room 7414
Are you curious about the GC Digital Scholarship Lab, the Digital Fellows, and the services that we provide? Come join us for the Digital Scholarship Lab Open House! The GC Digital Scholarship Lab (Room 7414) is a great place to come for support for a variety of digital projects and research. Stop by, meet our staff, and learn a little more about everything we do through the GC Digital Initiatives. Whether you are looking for advice or assistance with new or current projects or looking to discuss and learn new skills or tools, this Open House is for you! There is no need to register – join us for snacks and to meet the GC Digital Fellows and celebrate the beginning of a new semester! We hope to see you there!
Workshop: “Mapping Tweets in QGIS” Wednesday, February 13th 2019, 6:30-8:30pm
Analyzing both the spatial and social content of social media feeds is referred to as geosocial analysis. This workshop will start off with a discussion about the types of questions that can be answered with a geosocial analysis. We will also explore some of the current limitations. We will then extract geosocial data from Twitter and visualize it as a map in QGIS.
Workshop: “Social Media Research Ethics” Tuesday, February 19th, 2019, 6:30-8:30pm
Researchers across the humanities and social sciences are increasingly using data from social media in their work, and the troves of data available present unique opportunities for deepening our understanding of human behavior and contemporary culture. However, as datasets and tools for conducting social media research proliferate, many researchers experience increasingly pressing ethical questions about how social media data is gathered and how it is used. This workshop will introduce participants to core concepts of research ethics, and explore how they apply to digital research projects. Participants will discuss case studies that illuminate ethical dilemmas in research with social media, such as what informed consent looks like online. By the end of the workshop, participants will have an understanding of how core concepts of research ethics apply to researching social media, and how those concepts relate to current ethical dilemmas in social media research. Resources will be provided that can assist researchers in incorporating a robust and critical ethics into their own work with social media.
Workshop: “Tropy: Train the Trainers for Faculty” Tuesday, February 26th, 2019 – 2:00-4:00pm
Before your students begin to do archival research on their own, help them establish good research practices from the beginning, such as good habits for photographing sources and organizing them. Come learn about Tropy, free and open-source desktop software designed to help researchers organize and describe their research photos. This workshop will walk you through how to use Tropy, including adding metadata, using tags and lists, merging photos into items, and doing transcriptions or taking notes. It will also offer you some suggestions for how to teach your students about using Tropy for themselves.
Workshop: “Introduction to Mapping Using QGIS” Wednesday, February 27th, 2019 – 6:30-8:30pm
Are you interested in using a map to tell your research story? to explore your data? to illustrate your argument? This workshop will offer an approachable introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and its uses: storage, capture, edition, analysis and visualization of data. In the first part of the workshop we will look at the basics of GIS, including terminology, types of data, available software and file formats. In the second part of the workshop we will do basic exercises in which you will be able to learn how to start a project, draw features, fill information and perform basic geospatial analysis on your data.