The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


Lucretia Mott Student Essay Award

Undergraduate and postgraduate students are invited to submit papers for the Lucretia Mott Student Essay Award. Outstanding student paper submissions that demonstrate creative analysis and/or introduce a new field of research and make an original contribution to the field of Quaker studies will be considered for the award.

The winning entry will receive a $200 award. It may also be recommended for publication in the journal Quaker Studies.

Submissions must meet the following criteria to be considered:

● no more than 3,500 words (including footnotes & bibliography)
● be presented in 12-point font and double-spaced
● formatted according to Chicago Manual of Style
● free of clerical or grammatical errors
● the candidate must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at the time of paper submission.


Submissions should include:

● an electronic document in standard word processing format, without author information (submit author information in a separate file)
● name and home mailing address
● graduate or undergraduate status
● American Academy of Religion Program Unit to which the paper was submitted, along with presentation time and location, if applicable.


Submit electronically by October 31st, 2023 to Awards will be announced at the Quaker Studies Program Unit Business Meeting during the American Academy of Religion.