Macaulay Honors College Instructional Technology Fellowships
I am writing to call your attention to the Macaulay Honors College Instructional Technology Fellowships, an excellent fellowship opportunity for your doctoral students. Full information about the program and an online application can be found at
(all applicants must use the online application at that address).
Now in its 12th year, the ITF program has been extremely successful, its success matching that of Macaulay Honors College itself.
All CUNY doctoral students accepted for this outstanding opportunity will:
• receive a Grad A fellowship • participate in a prestigious and innovative program that includes a technology-across-the-curriculum initiative • get extensive technological training in a highly marketable skill set • participate in interdisciplinary teaching and learning groups • work closely with some of CUNY’s best faculty and brightest undergraduates
Please note that this fellowship is only open to Level 2 and 3 students.
Thank you for your efforts to publicize this fellowship.
The application deadline for 2013-2014 ITFs is March 15, 2013, at 10 PM EST (GMT -5).
Joseph Ugoretz, PhD
Associate Dean
Teaching, Learning and Technology
Macaulay Honors College
The City University of New York
35 West 67th St.
New York, New York 10023
TEL 212-729-2920
FAX 212-580-8130