Mapping Time Project Digital Humanities Teaching Fellowship
The Mapping Time Project invites applications for new teaching fellowships for Spring 2018. These $4000 fellowships will be offered to Level III PhD Candidates in any of the Graduate Center’s Humanities and Social Sciences programs. Recipients of this award cannot simultaneously hold a 5-year fellowship.
The Mapping Time Project is a collaboration between the Graduate Center and various branches of the New York Public Library. Mapping Time aims to accomplish two goals: to teach high school students the rich history of New York City and to foster digital literacy with the newest archival and digital research techniques. Using NYPL’s new Space/Time Directory, its digital collections, and archival holdings, students explore the history of New York through photographs, maps, building plans, oral histories, government records, newspaper articles, art, and literature, and by visiting the NYPL and New York City neighborhoods. The goal of this project is to have high school students immerse themselves in primary material the better to uncover and ultimately narrate history, a history that has never been written before.
Fellowship recipients will visit their assigned high school once a week during the spring semester to teach a class session in which they guide students in both archival and digital research techniques, aid students in the evaluation of their sources, and work with students on the development of their final class projects. In lieu of teaching a class session, fellows may be asked to accompany the class to one of the NYPL’s branches. Fellows will also help put student projects onto a digital platform. Participating high schools for Spring 2018 are:
- Stuyvesant High School
- LaGuardia High School of the Performing Arts
- Bard Early College at the Harlem Children’s Zone Promise Academy
To apply please send a CV and letter of interest (1,000 words maximum) detailing your dissertation research, teaching experience and philosophy, and any relevant experiences with digital, archival, and/or community research.
Instructions for submitting your application:
1) Please combine the above materials into a SINGLE file (either as a pdf document or a word document).
Use the following format when naming your document: Last Name, First Name, Program
2) Email your file directly to
Please use your graduate center email address when sending the file.
Application Deadline: Wednesday, January 10, 2018 3:00 PM