The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

GC Events

May 1, 2015 – MEMEAC Seminar

Dissections Spring 2015 

These seminars aim to provide an opportunity to share empirical research and theoretical framings in order to push forward scholarly debate on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

The next Dissection is on 

Friday, May 1, 2015, 11 am to 1 pm, MEMEAC Seminar Room (6304.23), Prof. Dina Khoury (History, The George Washington University) will present her paper entitled, “Reflections on Imperial, Colonial and Post-Colonial Citizenship in Iraq” and Prof. Sara Pursley (Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts, Princeton University) will be the discussant (organized by Jeremy Randall).

For the paper, please email Jeremy Randall <>

All seminar participants are asked to read the paper in advance of the meeting. The presenter will be given five to ten minutes to summarize the main points or problems of the paper and contextualize it, after which a discussant will present a ten to fifteen minute comment to help initiate a full discussion. Participants in the seminar includes a select, interdisciplinary group of junior and senior faculty and graduate students who are engaged or interested in studies on body, space and time in the Middle East and North Africa.