The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

GC Events

6/25 – History PhD student Micki Kaufman featured in this Thursday’s Mina Rees Library Conversation Series

Micki Kaufman and Stephen Klein will be in conversation about Kaufman’s project, Quantifying Kissinger, and issues of historical analysis through a digital humanities framework.

*This event will be held over Zoom – please RSVP on this pageAccess link will be emailed to registrants on the day of the event.

Micki Kaufman is currently a doctoral candidate and dissertation fellow in digital history at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY). Her current dissertation, “‘Everything on Paper Will Be Used Against Me:’ Quantifying Kissinger” is a seven-time winner of the CUNY Graduate Center’s Provost’s Digital Innovation Grant. She is a co-author of “General, I Have Fought Just As Many Nuclear Wars As You Have,” published in the December 2012 American Historical Review. In 2015, Micki was awarded the ACH and ADHO’s Lisa Lena and Paul Fortier Prizes for best Digital Humanities research presented by an emerging scholar.


Stephen I. Klein, the Digital Services Librarian at the Mina Rees CUNY Graduate School Library, spends much of his work-life behind the scenes insuring that the pulse of the GC’s library systems continue to work seamlessly for library users. He also spends time ‘freaking-out’ about the crisis of how our cultural heritage is quickly disappearing, because of the acceleration of modern ephemera with the advent of the web as one of the central forums for popular conversation and academic scholarship. In addition to these back-stage activities, Stephen actively works with History, Political Science and Economic PhD candidates and faculty assisting them in navigating their respective research landscapes.

The Mina Rees Conversation Series is a lively showcase of ideas, research and active scholarship, from across the CUNY system and beyond. The series is titled in recognition of Mina Spiegel Rees – a renowned mathematician who served both as CUNY’s first Dean of Graduate Studies (1961–67) and was named as the Graduate Center’s first President in 1971.