The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

GC Events

November 1 – CUNY Women’s Leadership Conference

Anyone wishing to attend should send Elise M. Perram, Director of Student Affairs at CUNY Graduate Center, an email with their name, phone number and email address by October 4th.


15th annual CUNY Women’s Leadership Conference, under the leadership of the Council of Presidents’ Women’s Leadership Initiative Committee


Conference Theme:

“Leading With Values and Culture”


Friday, November 1, 2019

Hosted at Hunter College/CUNY

68th Street and Lexington Avenue




8:15 –8:50 am: Registration and Buffet Breakfast

9 am – 3:15 pm: Program


The goal of this conference is to inspire women students with demonstrated leadership qualities to further develop their skills and realize their potential as leaders.  This year the conference theme is “Leading With Values and Culture”. We will replicate our proven format, introducing participants to a comprehensive, full day-long program of speakers and panels, presentations by legislators and participation by representatives of prominent women’s organizations. We have two keynote speakers who have confirmed their participation. The first is Carrie Rebora Barratt, the CEO of the New York Botanical Garden, and former Deputy Director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She received her doctoral degree from CUNY in 1990. Her remarks, at the outset of the conference, will be “Women Taking the Lead at New York’s Cultural Institutions.” The second is Gloria Feldt, the Founder and CEO of “Take the Lead,” dedicated to women’s advancement. A former teen mom out of high school, she went to a community college in Texas when her children were small and went on to become the national CEO of Planned Parenthood from 1996 to 2006. She will speak during the luncheon portion of the conference on the topic of “Women, Power, Leadership: Bringing Women to Leadership Parity by 2025,” which will be a perfect introduction to the afternoon of empowerment workshops and presentations, which are still being formulated.


Thank you for your assistance and support.