The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


Open Knowledge Fellowship | Apply by 1/24/24

The Mina Rees Library is excited to offer our funded Open Knowledge Fellowship in Spring 2024, with support from the Office of Library Services. The application deadline is coming soon on January 24th


More details at this link, and shared below:


The Fellowship is a unique opportunity for interdisciplinary collaboration at The Graduate Center, bringing together the 10th cohort of Doctoral and MA students who seek to engage with practicalities and theoretical considerations relating to Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Access (OA). Participants in the Fellowship will convert their own course syllabus into one comprised of entirely free and openly-licensed resources, thereby engaging directly with the unique challenges and economics of the scholarly publishing landscape. The six session program includes a stipend of $2000, payable via Financial Aid.