The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Job Opportunities

Part-time Position for Graduate/Ph.D Students


An Associate Professor from the Department of Social Work and Disability Studies at the College of Staten Island-CUNY is looking to fill a part-time position for Research Assistant through the CUNY category of “College Assistant.” Professor Vandana Chaudhry is a faculty member with a visual impairment and is looking to hire an advanced graduate student (preferably a Ph. D. student) to assist with research and to facilitate informational access across range of academic activities. Her ethnographic research is broadly in the areas of disability justice in the Global South, late capitalism, digitalization, and social justice struggles in South Asia, particularly in the context of India.


You will assist with research and teaching pertaining to Disability Studies, Social Work and transnational development. The position is for 15 hours/week at a rate of $22/hour, with health insurance and other CUNY benefits after three months.


The position is ideal for doctoral students, who would like to build on their research experience. Additionally, they will gain an orientation to faculty and academic life. Individuals with an interest in any of the following are strongly encouraged to apply: critical disability studies, social justice, the geopolitics of inequality in the Global South, critical development studies, digitalization and related topics.


Responsibilities include assistance with the following:


  • Academic research and writing–i.e., accessing interdisciplinary research resources and literature reviews
  • Teaching-related assistance–i.e., providing informational access for teaching materials, operating classroom technology, and management of student records
  • Other administrative duties as needed–i.e., document conversion/scanning, visual formatting, copyediting, etc.
  • Navigating online platforms for academic activities
  • Assisting with grant process




  • Strong communication and writing skills both in terms of research and navigating access
  • Strong organizational and time management skills and an ability to work independently
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and other online platforms used to streamline work (especially Blackboard and Dropbox), online meeting platforms like Zoom
  • Background in the social sciences or humanities


Please email Dr. Vandana Chaudhry with your Resumé/CV at

The position is currently open.