The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


Ph.D. Student Fellowship in Early America/Atlantic and Early Modern Europe


Graduate Student Fellowships in Early America, Early Modern Europe, and the Atlantic World

Florida Atlantic University and the Huntington Library offer three Collaborative Short-Term Fellowships for advanced graduate students.

The two months of the fellowship are split between Florida Atlantic’s Weiner Spirit of America Collection (Boca Raton, FL) and the Huntington Library (San Marino, CA) to facilitate dissertation research in the two institutions’ complementary holdings. The overlap is particularly strong in Anglo-American political philosophy, the English Civil War, the European Enlightenment, the Glorious Revolution, and the American Revolution, as well as in religion and reform movements. Although Weiner Collection is tailored for Anglo-American political philosophy, previous fellows have also successfully examined political economy, nationalism, law, gender, class, race, and bodies/medicine.

To create a collaborative scholarly community around the Weiner Spirit of America Collection, all three fellows will hold the FAU portion of the fellowship simultaneously in October 2025. Each individual may take the Huntington portion at any time between July 1, 2025, and June 30, 2026. Each fellow receives $6,000 to cover travel expenses: $2,500 from FAU and $3,500 from the Huntington.

Eligibility is open to doctoral candidates in fields related to the collections (including but not limited to History, English, Material Texts, Political Philosophy, American Studies, etc.) who have completed their qualifying exams and received approval for their dissertation proposal from their department.

Applications are due November 15, 2024.

More information is available at 


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