The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

GC Events

Dec. 02 Politics and Poetry: A Workshop, pt. 2

Politics and Poetry: A Workshop, pt. 2

Tuesday, December 2nd
6:30 pm
Room 5414

Come to the second Politics and Poetry Workshop!

Join us for live performances, collective poetic experimentation, and an exploration of the connections and disconnects between poetry and politics as a themed continuation of our last discussion. We’ll talk politics (what is it?) and why it’s so often sequestered from the world of poetry; how sensation and aesthetics can contribute to pre-figurative politics; the dangers of mixing poetry and politics; and the ways poetry can make new worlds beyond that which politics can achieve.

Trader joe’s libations and snacks will abound.

See you there!

Brought to you by SPTSA, QUNY and GC Poetics