The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Job Opportunities

Sacred Heart University Seeks Two Tenure-Track Positions

Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship in East Asian history to begin fall 2017. Area of specialization open. Ability to also teach courses in twentieth-century American history preferred. The position carries a four-course per semester teaching requirement, with electives in the specialty areas and either the U.S. history survey sequence or Western Civilization survey sequence. Additional duties include student advising, service to the university, research, and occasionally teaching the senior capstone course. PhD in subject area specialty required.
Application Instructions: Candidates should submit a CV, three letters of recommendation, evidence of teaching excellence, a statement of teaching philosophy to Charlotte Gradie, Chair, Department of History, by November 15 at
Initial interviews via Skype will be arranged following the submission deadline.



Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT, invites applications for a tenure-track, assistant professorship in American History to begin fall, 2017. Field of specialization, the Civil War and Reconstruction Era to the early twentieth century with emphasis on economic history. Ability to also teach a non-U.S. subject area preferred. The position carries a four-course per semester teaching requirement including the U.S. history survey sequence and electives in the specialty areas. Additional duties include student advising, service to the university, research and occasionally teaching the senior capstone course. PHD in the subject area specialty required.
Application Instructions:
Candidates should submit a CV, three letters of recommendation, evidence of teaching excellence and statement of teaching philosophy to Charlotte Gradie, Chair, Department of History, by November 15, 2016 at
Initial interviews via Skype will be arranged following submission deadline.