The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Job Opportunities

Seeking American History instructor for Baruch College Spring 2018 semester.

Baruch College seeks a history instructor to teach a 40-student section of HIS 1000:  Themes in American History on Mon/Wed 4:10PM – 5:25PM during the Spring 2018 semester.  The first class will be Monday, January 29.  This is an introductory survey course that fulfills undergraduate general education requirements.  It has the following course description:  “This course is designed to introduce students to the historical development of fundamental American political and social institutions through the close examination of a major theme in American history. Themes might include but are not restricted to the issue of divided political sovereignty in a federal system, the national experience of war, the changing demography of Americans, the frontier, rural-urban tensions, or reform movements in America. The course will also introduce students to the principles of historical inquiry through small-group projects, written exercises in evaluation of historical sources, and discussion of historical debates over interpretation and evidence.”  If interested, please email Department Chair Katherine Pence at with your interest and send a CV and sample syllabus if available.