The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Non-GC Events

Sept 8 -What is Socialism? A Panel Discussion

The term ‘socialism’ appears to be enjoying a resurgence of public interest – both favorably where it is self-prescribed and pejoratively where it is meant to degrade the respectability of public figures. From early 2016 at the height of Bernie Sanders’s campaign for the Democratic Party nomination to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s victory over Joe Crowley in June, the term ‘socialism’ appears to be gaining some level of purchase and a whole lot of press. In many instances, ‘socialism’ is commingled with terms as varied as ‘social democratic’, ‘communist’, ‘marxist’, ‘anarchist’, etc. As such, we view this is as an opportune moment to ask, “what is socialism after all?” What do public figures mean when they identify as socialists or any one of its varied strains? What do their opponents think it means? What does it mean and what can it mean? And perhaps, most important of all, what did it mean in the past?

Panelists Include:

John Garvey – Editor of Insurgent Notes
Andy Gittlitz – Contributor to The New Inquiry and New York Times
Lane Silberstein – Member of Democratic Socialists of America
Richard Wolin – Professor/Historian at CUNY Grad Center

SAT., 3 PM-6PM –

NYU Global Center, Rm. 361, 238 Thompson St., New York City