The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


Spring 2023 Sit ‘n’ Write Series at Queens College

Africana Studies (AFST) at Queens College will again host a bi-weekly Friday Sit ‘n’ Write series for Spring 2023. The communal writing space focuses on the mechanics and structures of academic writing while providing peer mentoring and accountability for individual writing goals. It is open to anyone working on topics related to any aspect of Africana or African American studies. The group finds that their community thrives best having persons of varying stages of their careers participate. Graduate students are welcome.

The group will convene in Powdermaker Hall 333 from 10 AM to 3 PM starting January 27, 2023 and meet every other Friday thereafter. To help them tailor the Spring 2023 session to the needs of participants, they ask that those interested complete their intake form no later than January 20, 2023 at Noon. Light refreshments will be served. You may find the six-minute intake form here:

Interested participants should also contact Prof. Natanya Duncan, Queens College Director of Africana Studies: