The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


Student Affairs conference support

The on-line Preliminary Application for Funding for summer and fall 2023 Conference Presentation Support is now available.  One-time reimbursements of up to $300 will be available to eligible doctoral and master’s students who have already presented or will present at professional/academic conferenceMay 24, 2023-January 1, 2024.  Doctoral students must be within the first fourteen semesters of their program and master’s students must be within the first eight semesters.  The Preliminary Application Form is available at Conference Presentation Support .


All requests must be submitted by October 23, 2023.  A lottery will be held and those selected will receive further instructions.

For all academically related international travel, students must follow the CUNY International Travel Guidelines, in particular, the section on mandatory procedures for “CUNY-affiliated Independent Academic Travel.” Such travel includes any self-guided international travel by a student for the purpose of research, internship activities, language study, practicums, job interviews or attending or presenting research at conferences related to academic work at CUNY. Students are required to purchase international travel insurance whether or not they are being funded for such travel. The required forms must be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs at least two weeks prior to their departure. The international travel insurance must include evacuation for both medical and security/safety situations.


If you have questions regarding the on-line preliminary application for summer/fall 2023 funding for Conference Presentation Support or the required international academic travel forms and insurance, please  contact our office. Further information about spring 2024 conference presentation support will be sent separately.


For more information contact