The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


Support student-run groups: sign DSC chartered org rosters

Below are some DSC Chartered Organizations (interdisciplinary, student-run groups) that still need student signatures on their rosters. Would you consider signing their rosters? A signature shows your support of the hard work and dedication that goes into running these organizations. Student support allows these groups access to funding that enables them to sponsor study groups, film screenings, conferences and other events for students.


Below are links to individual chartered organizations that could use signatures. Hopefully, the links remain active in the email, but if not, here is the link to sign chartered organization rosters:


Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA)
CUNY Internationalist Marxist Club
CUNY Materials Research Society (MRS)
CUNY Public History Collective (CUNY PHC)
Early Modern Interdisciplinary Group (EMIG)
Food Studies Collective
GC-ISO: GC Chapter of the International Socialist Organization
Global Studies Collective
Mentoring Future Faculty of Color Group (MFFC)


Thank you!


Charlotte Thurston
Co-Chair for Student Affairs

Doctoral Students’ Council

Room 5493 | 212-817-7881