The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


The Hayek Fund for Scholars

The Hayek Fund for Scholars supports students and faculty who are researching and teaching ideas within the classical liberal tradition inside the bounds of the social sciences and humanities by funding a wide range of research and career-advancing activities. From paying for PhD application fees to conference presentation travel* to the purchase of crucial data sets, this unique fund helps cover an extensive array of expenses.

All scholars presently engaged in research or teaching within the social sciences or humanities at an accredited college or university can apply for funding. The ideal candidate is eager to pursue or continue a career in academia and contribute to the classical liberal intellectual tradition through their scholarship.

Awarded on a rolling basis, the Hayek Fund for Scholars helps pay for activities including (but not limited to):

  • Expenses related to remote/online teaching and scholarly collaboration incurred as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as purchase of books or online resources to support teaching and research
  • Travel for paper presentations or job interviews at academic conferences*
  • Submission fees for unpublished manuscripts and academic journal articles
  • Travel for archival research*
  • Purchase of data sets or survey data
  • Participation in seminars or peer reviews*
  • Collaborative research projects or the hiring of a research assistant
  • Reimbursement of application fees for PhD programs

Scholars are welcome to submit applications for other expenses not mentioned here. We cannot subsidize research stipends, time buy-outs, or living expenses. If you are interested in that support, please see our Humane Studies Fellowship or Sabbatical Research Fellowship.

As part of its Discourse Initiative, IHS is particularly interested in research and programs in the following general categories: Liberalism and Its Critics, Key Challenges within a Free Society, Cultural Challenges within Liberal Society, Contentious Topics within the Liberal Tradition, and Liberalism in Times of Crisis. Learn more about the Discourse Initiative here.

IHS welcomes applications and proposals on these or other related topics from scholars in all disciplines. More information on the Hayek Fund Application Process here.