The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

GC Events

September 16 – TLC: Statement of Teaching Philosophy Workshops

Please join the staff of the Teaching and Learning Center for upcoming workshops for Graduate Center students who are planning or preparing statements of teaching philosophy for the job market.

On Monday, September 16, from 6:30-8:30pm in Room 9207 at the Graduate Center TLC staff will lead a discussion about what makes a strong statement of teaching philosophy and how to frame what’s distinct about the CUNY experience within the context of this document.

This event will be followed by a workshop on Monday, September 23rd, from 2:00-4:00pm in Room 3317 in which attendees will peer review drafts of each other’s statements.

You can register for either or both events here:

In preparation for these workshops, please see the TLC Guide, “Preparing a Statement of Teaching Philosophy.”

Office Hour Meetings
Select TLC staff are available to meet one-on-one with Graduate Center students during to discuss strategies for drafting a statement of teaching philosophy. To set up an appointment, please email TLC Director Luke Waltzer at

TLC staff are also happy to read and respond to drafts, and to share our feedback during an in-person meeting. If you would like TLC staff to review your statement, please email a full draft of your statement to with the subject line “Statement of Teaching Philosophy Draft,” along with three 30 minutes blocks of time at least one week later when you will be available to meet with a staff member.