The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

GC Events

TODAY Join in support of CUNY funding and your GC colleagues


Last November, I was one of 52 PSCers -including GC chapter chair Luke Elliott-Negri and others from the Graduate Center -who participated in the sit-in at CUNY Central and were arrested for that act of civil disobedience. We recall how incredible it was for us to see many hundreds of supporters demonstrating in support as we were taken into police vans. We ask you to join us tomorrow at Cuomo’s office on Third Ave + 41 St. at 4:00 or after work because there will be another act of civil disobedience at that time. This group, that again includes GC students and faculty, will risk arrest in a “die-in” and we want to be there in large numbers to witness and support their act of courage and commitment.
In November, the civil disobedience garnered much media attention and a long-overdue (poor) economic offer. Months have gone by and we in the PSC, DC-37, the CUNY Rising Alliance and others across the city have been engaged in constant efforts to get the funding we need for CUNY and for our contract(s). This action will surely be another important one. Since we are a short walk from Cuomo’s office, let’s have a huge turnout! Meet in the lobby at either 3:45 or 5:00 to march over with your colleagues.
See you then,
Andrea and Luke