The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

GC Events

Writing Center webinars for the Fall ’21 semester

The Writing Center is pleased to announce the following webinars for the Fall ’21 semester. In addition to these webinars, the center offers one-on-one consultations on all forms of academic writing. To make an appointment, visit our website​



Writing a Book Review
Friday, September 17 @ 1:00 PM; 
register here.

Many academic journals publish reviews of recent books in their field. These reviews are one of the most significant ways in which scholars around the world become aware of the books in question. Consequently, the academic who writes such a review plays a crucial role in shaping the preliminary judgment readers make, thereby influencing the field as a whole. In graduate school, many seminars include a book review as a writing assignment, and advanced graduate students often see them as an ideal place to start when trying to get published. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to the generic conventions of the book review. We will also address the rhetorical and political considerations one needs to make when critiquing senior colleagues, as well as the practicalities of getting placed in a journal.


Goal Setting and Time Management
Friday, September 24 @ 1:00 PM; 
register here.

In this webinar, designed for students in varying stages of the writing process, we will discuss how to schedule time and keep oneself accountable to academic research and writing goals and deadlines. We’ll discuss habitual writing goals and project-based goals. Participants will make a plan for completing their writing goals, breaking down long-term goals into manageable short-term goals. We’ll also go over some web apps that can help with this process.


Returning to Academic Writing
Friday, October 1 @ 1:00 PM; r
egister here.

Just starting out in graduate school? Are you feeling a little bit jittery about getting back into academic writing?  Maybe you’ve been away from writing for a while and want some refreshers. Join this webinar to learn about the key elements of academic writing, how to overcome writing fears, and how to develop a productive writing habit.


Writing a Conference Abstract
Monday, October 11 @ 10 AM; 
register here.

Do you see a conference in your future? Here we will review the best practices of responding to a CFP. We’ll look at graduate school conference CFPS, as well as regional and national conference CFPs—each has its own peculiarities. We’ll provide examples of successful critical and pedagogical abstracts. We’ll also take a look at a few abstracts that failed to effectively navigate the sometimes-idiosyncratic language of a CFP and discuss why we think they failed to qualify for their panel.


Methods Section in Social Sciences
Friday, October 29 @ 1:00 PM; 
register here.

Feeling stuck on how to write a methods section? The descriptive nature of a methods section often deceives writers into thinking it requires minimal thought and planning. However, the methods section requires a delicate balance between detail and specificity. In this webinar, participants will be introduced to the process of writing an effective methods section in the social sciences for both qualitative and quantitative research.


Structuring Argument-Based Writing
Friday, November 19 @ 3:00 PM; 
register here.

Writing a long paper can be challenging, especially when it comes to organizing all the reading and thinking one has done into a coherent progression of paragraphs and sections. This webinar introduces participants to some of the fundamental principles that help guide decisions about structuring a longer academic essay.


Reverse Outlining
Friday, December 3 @ 1:00 PM; 
register here.

When it comes to academic writing, that actual process of putting one’s research and thinking down on paper tends to derail even the best-laid plans; no matter how clear one’s initial outline or mental blueprint, things happen and, as a result, many people end up with a first draft that’s anywhere from a bit unruly to a total mess. In this webinar, participants will be introduced to a reverse outlining technique that can help to gain a clearer view of a draft’s current paragraph-by-paragraph structure in order to figure out what is and isn’t working, and thus to make a plan for structural revision.


Revising an Essay for Publication
Friday, December 10 @ 11:00 AM; 
register here.

This webinar will introduce participants to the process of submitting an article to a peer-reviewed journal. It will cover issues like (1) the key elements of an article, (2) choosing the right journal, (3) understanding what editors and reviewers do after you submit (and the ways this knowledge may affect your revision choices), and (4) responding to reviewer comments if you get a “revise and resubmit.”