The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

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2024-2025 Upcoming American Philosophical Society Fellowships Announcement

Long-Term Residential Research Fellowships

Postdoctoral/Sabbatical Fellowships
Deadline: January 19, 2024

Mellon Foundation Native American Scholars Initiative (NASI) Postdoctoral Career Pathways Fellowship
This two-year residential fellowship supports postdoctoral scholars with expertise related to Native American and Indigenous Studies and allied fields who are interested in pursuing professional opportunities at libraries, museums, and cultural organizations.

To apply, please submit materials here.

Mellon Foundation Native American Scholars Initiative (NASI) Postdoctoral Fellowship
This 12-month residential fellowship is intended for a recent doctoral graduate, a professor at any level seeking sabbatical support for a research project, or an independent postdoctoral scholar working closely with an Indigenous community on a project.

To apply, please submit materials here.


Predoctoral Fellowships
Deadline: January 19, 2024

Friends of the American Philosophical Society Predoctoral Fellowship 
This 12-month fellowship offers $25,000 plus a $5,000 research stipend to support twelve months of work on dissertation topics in all fields reflected in the APS’s Library & Museum’s collections.

To apply, please submit materials here.

David Center for the American Revolution Predoctoral Fellowship
This 12-month fellowship offers $25,000 plus a $5,000 research stipend to an advanced Ph.D. student finishing a dissertation about the American Revolution and Founding Era.

To apply, please submit materials here.

John C. Slater Predoctoral Fellowship in the History of Science
This 12-month fellowship offers $25,000 plus a $5,000 research stipend to support twelve months of work on dissertation topics pertaining to the history of science, broadly defined.

To apply, please submit materials here.

Mellon Foundation Native American Scholars Initiative (NASI) Predoctoral Fellowship
This 12-month fellowship is intended for an advanced doctoral degree student working toward the completion of the dissertation. Preference will be given to those who have sustained personal engagement or experience with Indigenous communities. This fellowship offers $25,000 plus a $5,000 research stipend for an advanced doctoral degree student working toward the completion of the dissertation.

To apply, please submit materials here.


Short-Term Residential Research Fellowships and Internships

Short-Term Resident Research Fellowships
Deadline: March 15, 2024
One- to three-month fellowships are available for Ph.D. candidates, holders of the Ph.D., and degreed independent scholars, within any field of study that requires using the collections of the APS’s Library & Museum.

To apply, please submit materials here.

David Center for the American Revolution Short-Term Resident Research Fellowships
Deadline: March 15, 2024
These one-month fellowships are open to scholars in all fields working on projects about the American Revolution and Founding Era that require using the collections of the APS’s Library & Museum.

To apply, please submit materials here.

Mellon Native American Scholars Initiative (NASI) Summer Undergraduate Internships
Deadline: February 28, 2024
These 8-week residential paid summer internships provide opportunities for undergraduates to conduct research, to explore career possibilities in archives and special collections, and to learn about advanced training in Native American and Indigenous Studies and related fields.

To apply, please submit materials here.


Non-Residential Research Fellowships

Mellon Foundation Native American Scholars Initiative (NASI) Digital Knowledge Sharing Fellowships
Deadline: March 15, 2024
These short-term fellowships support university- and community-based scholars working on digital projects that connect archives and Indigenous communities.

To apply, please submit materials here.

Indigenous Community Research Fellowships
Deadline: March 15, 2024
These short-term fellowships support travel for an individual or a group of people seeking to examine materials at the APS to further Indigenous community-based priorities. This fellowship program is for Indigenous community research by community members, such as elders, teachers, knowledge keepers, tribal officials, traditional leaders, museum and archive professionals, independent scholars, and others, regardless of academic background.

To apply, please submit materials here.

David Center for the American Revolution Research Fellowships for International Scholars
Deadline: March 15, 2024
These short-term fellowships support research by scholars based outside the United States seeking to examine materials at the APS’s Library & Museum or other archives in the United States related to topics on the American Revolution and Founding Era. Applicants must submit a timeline at the time of application outlining the duration and locations of the proposed work.

To apply, please submit materials here.


Learn more about Research Fellowships at the American Philosophical Society