The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

GC Events

5/4 – Reverse Outlining (GC Writing Center webinar)

When it comes to academic writing, the actual process of putting one’s research and thinking down on paper tends to derail even the best-laid plans; no matter how clear one’s initial outline or mental blueprint, things happen and, as a result, many people end up with a first draft that’s anywhere from a bit unruly to a total mess. In this webinar, participants will be introduced to a reverse outlining technique that can help them gain a clearer view of a draft’s current paragraph-by-paragraph structure in order to figure out what is and isn’t working, and thus to make a plan for structural revision.

Reverse Outlining, May 4, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM, RSVP here.