The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

History Program Events

8/8 – Syllabus Workshop (Peer Mentors event)

We (the GC History Mentors) are interrupting your summer with an important announcement about that syllabus you meant to have started by now! We’re here to help with a deadline and resources from the Peer Mentors.


If you haven’t checked them out already, we have sample syllabi posted on the Peer Mentors website here:


We are also planning a Syllabus Workshop on August 8th at 12pm via Zoom with Professor Tim Alborn. If you would like to get written feedback on a draft syllabus, you can submit it by replying to this email by July 31. The workshop will give everyone an opportunity to talk through general tips and questions on creating syllabi, so you are welcome to attend even if you are unable to submit a draft by the deadline.


If this will be your first semester teaching or if you are on too many to count, we’d love to have you join the conversation! Please let us know if you are interested in attending the Syllabus Workshop so we can send you the Zoom link as the date approaches!