The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


April 1 Essays in History (EiH) Submissions

Essays in History (EiH), the annual peer-reviewed journal of the University of Virginia’s Corcoran Department of History, is currently soliciting articles and book reviews for its fifty-first issue, to appear in the fall of 2017. EiH continues its tradition as a source of high-quality historical work by graduate students and emerging scholars. Our recent issues feature articles on such diverse subjects as antisemitism in colonial Algeria and the breakdown of the postwar Keynesian consensus.

If you would like to learn more about the journal or view our most recent issue, please visit our website:[]

The deadline for article and book review submissions is April 1, 2017. Article submissions should include a copy of the author’s curriculum vitae and an abstract of roughly one hundred words in length. Authors interested in submitting book reviews should provide a current curriculum vitae and contact the journal prior to their submission in order to confirm the monograph to be reviewed. Our submission guidelines are available at:[]

We are also soliciting longer historiographical essays of approximately 4,000-4,500 words that review two or more recent monographs on a common theme.

Essays in History can be contacted at if you have any questions.