The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

GC Events

April 4 – Careers for Humanists in Research, Education, and Outreach

Room 3408

This event is co-sponsored by the PublicsLab, the Office of Career Planning and Professional Development, the Department of Art History, and the Department of History.

Four humanities PhDs (including two alumni of The Graduate Center!) working at the Rockefeller Archive Center (RAC) will discuss possible career trajectories for humanities PhDs, including soft money positions, the relationship between academic and non-academic jobs, and how to manage the varied commitments entailed by pursuing a graduate degree. As a team, they are responsible for building the Center’s public profile through archival research, digital storytelling, institutional and educational outreach, and organized partnerships with donors, scholars, and foundation practitioners. Panelists were trained in various academic disciplines, and embarked upon distinct paths in pursuit of the doctorate and an alt-ac career.

For more information about panelists, please visit the PublicsLab website. The panelists include alum Barry Goldberg, PhD in History from The Graduate Center.

A panel discussion and Q&A will be followed by the chance to mingle and network. Light refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP.


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