The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


Books for sale

I’m cleaning out closets. You need these books. I can meet you at the GC many afternoons. I tried to price these below the lowest prices I found on Amazon. Offer less if you find them for less elsewhere. Buy a bunch and make an offer. Email me for questions about editions, etc. None are newer than about 2008. All are clearly used but in good shape. – Zach,

Colonial Effects, Assad ($20)

State, Power, and Politics in the Middle East, Owen ($30)

Rediscovering Palestine, Doumani ($20)

Culture of Sectarianism, Makdisi ($20)

Legacy of the Prophet, Shadid ($10)

Iranian Cultural Revolution, Afary ($20)

Oil Politics in the Gulf, Crystal ($30)

Forbidden Modern, Gole ($20)

Islam, Hans Kung (Hardcover) ($20)

In the House of the Law, Tucker ($20)

States and Women’s Rights, Charrad ($25)

Medicine and Power in Tunisia, Gallagher ($35)

Contending Visions of the ME, Lockman ($20)

Making of Modern Libya, Ahmida ($10)

Inventing Home, Khater ($20)

Morality Tales, Pierce ($20)

Arab Villages in Israel, Cohen ($20)

Calligraphic State, Messick ($25)

Well-Protected Domains, Deringil ($20)

Mantle of the Prophet, Mottahedeh ($10)

Beyond the Veil, Mernissi ($10)

Modern Islamic Political Thought, Enayat ($20)

Intellectual Origins of Islamic Resurgence…, Abu Rabi’ ($25)

Ottoman Turks…to1923, McCarthy ($35)

Frontiers of the State, Rogan ($30)

Stories of Daughters of Quchan, Najmabadi ($20)

Ottoman Manufacturing…, Quataert ($20)

Nasser’s Blessed Movement, Gordon ($10)

Women, Property, and Islam, Moors (free with others)

Epic Encounters, McAllister ($5)

Arabs and Young Turks, Kayali ($10)

An Occasion for War, Fawaz ($15)

Genesis of Young Ottoman Thought, Mardin ($15)

Queer Nations, Hayes ($10)

Formation of the Modern State, Abu El-Haj ($10)

Islam, the People, and the State, Zubaida ($5)

Asad, Seale ($5)

Divided Loyalties, Gelvin ($15)

Women in nineteenth-century Egypt, Tucker ($5)