The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


BRES Doctoral Fellowship Program


BRES Doctoral Fellowship Program, AY 2024-2025

Applications due Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at 5 p.m.

Awards will be announced on Monday, July 1, 2024.


The Provost’s Office and the BRES Collaboration Hub are pleased to announce the following fellowship program, supporting early-career doctoral student research.

Established in Spring 2023, the BRES Collaboration Hub is an intellectual home for faculty and doctoral students interested in interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary research in BRES across CUNY. The Hub is a component of BRESI—a CUNY-wide initiative with the overarching goal of reimagining and transforming University programs in Black, Race, and Ethnic studies. In 2024, the BRES Collaboration Hub was awarded funding from the Chancellor’s Strategic Investment Initiative Fund. BRES anticipates supporting up to ten BRES Doctoral Fellows with awards in the amount of $4,000 each for AY 2024-2025. This payment will be made at the end of Fall 2024.

The BRES Doctoral Fellowship Program provides funding to doctoral students from any department or program in the Humanities and Social Sciences. They seek to support innovative research focusing on one or more of the six major BRES research themes below.

•Race, gender, sexuality, and intersectionality
•Race, ethnicity, and migration studies
•Race, diasporas, and transnationalism
•Race, equality, and social justice
•Race, indigeneity, and decolonial studies
•Race, representations, and cultural studies


•Current first-year Ph.D. students in the Humanities or Social Sciences (AY 2023-2024)


•Attend a weekly BRES Seminar Series on Mondays from 11:45 to 1:45 p.m. in AY 2024-2025.
•Students who complete selected readings for the Seminar can choose to receive academic credit.


•A cover sheet (attached).
•A curriculum vitae. (4-page max)
•A current transcript. Students may submit the unofficial student copy from CUNYFirst.
•A description of your research, including its relevance to the six thematic areas. (1-page max)
•A personal statement on what you hope to gain from this fellowship experience. (1-page max)


Submission Instructions
•Combine cover sheet, CV, transcript, research, and personal statement into a single PDF file.
•Use the following format when naming your document: Last Name, First Name, Program.
•Submit the PDF via Formstack: link here.

If you have questions, please contact Allen Hillery at


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