The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

GC Events

Careers in Academic Admin, Practice your Interviewing Skills–coming in April!

From the Office of Career Planning & Professional Development :


Careers in Academic Administration

Wednesday, April 10, 2019
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

CUNY Graduate Center, room C205


Interested in applying your degree toward careers in academic administration? Curious to learn about what different jobs in academic administration look like, and how to go about pursuing these professions? Come to our panel to meet Graduate Center alumni who work in this field. Learn how they got from graduate school to their current positions, what their day-to-day jobs are like on the ground, and practical tips on applying your graduate skills toward this field. This panel will be Q&A format and open to student questions.



Elizabeth Alsop (PhD Comparative Literature), Assistant Professor and Academic Director, Communication and Media & Liberal Studies, CUNY SPS

Hillel Broder (PhD English), Principal, DRS Yeshiva High School

Benjamin Hellwege (PhD History), Associate Director, Samberg Institute for Teaching Excellence, Columbia Business School

Amy Starecheski (PhD Anthropology), Director, Oral History MA Program at Columbia University


Please RSVP:

Please fill out our event registration form if you plan to attend.


And join us for…


Improve Your Job Interviewing Skills by Practicing

Wednesday, April 3, 2019
4:00 – 5:30 p.m.

CUNY Graduate Center, room 7209


The job interview is so important because it will determine whether or not you get the job. All the hard work of networking, preparing resumes and cover letters, and applying for jobs goes for naught if the candidate messes up the interview. This workshop will significantly help students to better answer interview questions, raise confidence levels, reduce stress, and improve your chances of getting a job offer.


A major focus of this workshop will be actual interview practice in a safe, non-threatening environment. If you do attend the event, you will be expected to participate, but all students will be on the same level and it will be okay and safe to make mistakes.


Please RSVP

Please fill out our event registration form to let us know you’re coming.