The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


Congratulations to the TEN Graduate Center Dissertation Fellowship Recipients from the PhD Program in History!

Congratulations to the TEN Graduate Center Dissertation Fellowship Recipients from the PhD Program in History!


Carell Dissertation Fellowship ($22,000) 

Deborah Charnoff (History) Men Set on Fire: Algernon Sidney, John Adams and the Anglo-American Republican Tradition


The Schomburg Archival Dissertation Fellowship ($22,000)

Jeff Diamant (History) Saudi Arabian Influence on African-American Muslims: Transnational Transformations in Islam, 1975-2000


Dissertation Year Fellowship ($22,000)

Nicholas Cross (History) The Greeks and Interstate Alliances in the Fourth Century BCE: a Socio-cultural Perspective 

Jeffrey Culang (History) (Re)Constituting Egypt: Citizenship, Nationality, and Religion, 1882-1936

Roy Rogers (History) Politics, Law, and Denominational Competition in the Early National Chesapeake, 1776-1817

Chelsea Schields (History) Closer Ties: The Dutch Caribbean and the Aftermath of Empire, 1942-2012

Secil Yilmaz (History) Love in the Time of Syphilis: Medicine, Sex, and Emotion in the Ottoman Empire and Early Republican Turkey (1860-1940)


Randolph L. Braham Dissertation Award ($12,000)

Irit Bloch (History) “Bending the Law”- Weimar Judiciary and The Political Bias Paradox of the Legal System


Center for Place, Culture and Politics Dissertation Fellowship ($10,000)

Andrew Battle (History) Community Development, the Urban Crisis, and the End of the Ghetto in Bedford-Stuyvesant


Dissertation Year Awards ($5,000)

Antonella Vitale (History) Fuitina: Love, Sex, and Rape in Modern Italy 1945-Present