The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


Continued service for Writing Center, Career Planning, QRCC

The Office of Career Planning & Professional Development, the Writing Center, and the Quantitative Research Consulting Center are available to assist you during this time. For the near future we will be working remotely, just as many of you are. Writing, research, and career planning can be lonely endeavors at the best of times, but are especially so when working from home and practicing social isolation. Our aim is to provide support that is tailored to this extraordinary situation.


There will be no break in the continuity of our services. To make a remote appointment for either a writing consultation, QRCC session, or career advising, please log into GC Connect ( Please be sure to include your email address and phone number when making your appointment, as well as your preferred mode of connecting. Please email if you are having trouble logging into your GC Connect account.

  • For writing appointments, please send a copy of the document you want reviewed during your appointment (email:
  • For career advising appointments, please forward a copy of your CV/resume and any other documents you’d like the career advisor to review (email:
  • For QRCC appointments, please include a note about what software you are using and send along your proposal, papers with similar techniques, questionnaires or anything you think might help during the consultation (email to:

All in-person events for the spring semester have been cancelled. We are working many of our events to a virtual format. All students will be updated with relevant details as we are able to transition events.

Next Monday, students can join the QRCC and ITP for a workshop on “Working with Data in Excel.” (Go to for more information and to register.)

Online Resources

Check out the Career Planning website for:

On the Writing Center website students can explore:

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.