The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

History Program Events

Deadline January 15 – CFP for the 9th Annual History Graduate Student Conference

The History Department invites graduate students to submit proposals for individual papers or panels to be presented at the ninth annual departmental conference on March 15th, 2019. Theme: “New Perspectives in History: Methods, Challenges, and Voices”

The conference offers a welcoming environment in which students can gain experience presenting academic work, receive feedback from CUNY faculty, and meet other students working in related fields.

Submissions may be complete papers but also preliminary research finds, works-in-progress, first-year research projects, or excerpts from dissertation chapters. Don’t feel you need to have a finished paper to apply!

In order to apply: You need to send a proposal which includes a 250 word abstract as well as an introductory blurb (year, field, interests). Submissions are due January 15th, 2019.

To submit proposals please email the organizers,
Sophie Tunney and Stephanie Makowski at:

After you have been accepted in the conference, you will need to submit a 10 page (double spaced) final paper, before 15th of March. Deadline for the 10 page final conference paper will be sent out in the Spring Semester.