The Ph.D. Program in History

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York


European Union Studies Center Newsletter

European Union Studies Center


Are you a GC student planning to attend the International Conference for Europeanists in June/July, either virtually or in Lisbon, Portugal? Message us to attend for free! The GC’s Council for European Studies institutional membership allows free registration for two students. Email Merrill Sovner, Assistant Director, at, to be included.


Upcoming Events

February 18 – “Failed Adoptions: International Norm Rejections and the Case of Gender Quotas” with Anja Vojvodic, CUNY LaGuardia Community College. Part of the Gender and Transformation in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia Workshop. Details

March 3 – “Genealogical ethno-racial diversification in France: challenging great replacement fallacies” with Patrick Simon, Director of Research, The Institut Nationale d’Etudes Démographiques (INED), France. Organized by the Advanced Research Collaborative, the Graduate Center, CUNY. RSVP

April 1 – “Queer/kvir post-Soviet Diaspora in Germany” with Masha Beketova, Humboldt University in Berlin. Part of the Gender and Transformation in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia Workshop. Details

April 29 – Special Session on Ukraine, featuring presentations on “Shades of Protracted Displacement: Reconciling citizenship and the status of internally displaced in Eastern Ukraine” with Oleksandra Tarkhanova, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland and “Building transnational feminist solidarities in the times of war: Women’s Dialogue for Peace in Donbas” with Olga Sasunkevich, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Part of the Gender and Transformation in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia Workshop. Details

May 13 – “The socialist mother beyond the ‘working mom’: Motherhood in GDR women’s literature and activism” with Yanara Schmacks, CUNY Graduate Center. Part of the Gender and Transformation in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia Workshop. Details

May 17 – “EU Gender Policies in a Context of (Quasi) Permanent Crisis” with Christina Fiig, Aarhus University. Organized by the University of Washington Center for West European Studies and the Jean Monnet EU Center. RSVP

We also recommend the excellent ongoing events organized by our colleagues at: the American Council on Germany, the Atlantic Council, European-American Chamber of Commerce, European Council on Foreign Relations, French-American Foundation, and German Marshall Fund of the United States.


Recorded Talks

International Horizons, the Ralph Bunche Institute’s podcast series, offers a single playlist of episodes on European topics, such as:

Subscribe to International Horizons via Apple podcasts, Spotify and Soundcloud.


Calls for Research Funding

The Laura Shannon Prize in Contemporary European Studies awards $ 10,000 to the author of the best book in European studies that transcends a focus on any one country, state, or people to stimulate new ways of thinking about contemporary Europe as a whole. Nominations for history and social sciences due on February 15.

Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowships are open to established academics with an international reputation to pursue research for up to 10 months at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. Faculty in economics and law apply by March 30; social scientists apply by September 30.

In-Residence Advanced Academia Fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study offers a monthly for international scholars to conduct research in the humanities and social sciences for 2-5 months in Sofia, Bulgaria. Apply by March 31.

The Henri Rieben Scholarship supports a monthly stipend and travel expenses for doctoral researchers to study the challenges of European integration or the relations between Switzerland and Europe at the Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe in Lausanne, Switzerland. Apply by April 10.

The Herb and Mayne Frank Scholarship for graduate students and recent graduates in political science and history who study how democracies work together, especially through European integration and transatlantic and federalist institutions. Apply on a rolling basis.

Senior Fellowships for established guest scholars at the Zukunftskolleg at the University of Konstanz. Apply on a rolling basis.

Also refer to this database of DAAD-funded fellowships and scholarships as well as this list of 20 research fellowships in Europe.


The EU Studies Center’s programming has been supported by the Otto and Fran Walter Foundation. Questions about or items to include in this newsletter can be sent to