Extended CFP for History Graduate Student Conference – now January 30
Challenging Historical Assumptions Across Time, Space, and Disciplines: Call for Paper
The History Department of the City University of New York’s Graduate Center invites graduate students to submit proposals for both individual papers and panels to be presented at the seventh annual department conference, to be held on March 24th, 2017.
We are seeking proposals for papers or panels on a broad array of topics that engage or challenge historical narratives, concepts, or interpretations across the disciplines, or supplement discussion of this engagement in interesting and useful ways. This conference is meant to encompass a wide range of projects and hopes to foster discussions between students from various disciplines working on many different regions and time periods. Submissions ranging from preliminary research finds or works-in-progress to first-year research projects or excerpts from dissertation chapters are enthusiastically welcome.
In addition to a 250-word abstract, proposals should include a Curriculum Vitae. If submitting three related proposals, please attach a one-page panel description, as well as an abstract and CV for every panelists. Finally, be sure to indicate if your talk will require electronic equipment.
Submissions due January 30th, 2017.
To submit all proposals or for any questions, please email Phelim Dolan, Davide G. Colasanto, and Krystle Farman at GChistory.annualconference@gmail.com