February 1 UCLA: Fellowship Opportunities
Graduate fellowship information can be found here:
Predoctoral application forms can be accessed directly via this link:
ASECS/Clark Fellowships
Fellowships jointly sponsored by the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies and the Center/Clark are available to postdoctoral scholars and to ABD graduate students with projects in the Restoration or the eighteenth century. Fellowship holders must be members in good standing of ASECS. Awards are for one month of residency.
Stipend: $2,500 for the month of residency.
Application deadline: 1 February 2017
Kanner Fellowship in British Studies
This three-month fellowship, established through the generosity of Penny Kanner, supports research at the Clark Library in any area pertaining to British history and culture. The fellowship is open to both postdoctoral and predoctoral scholars.
Stipend: $7,500 for the three-month tenure.
Application deadline: 1 February 2017
Predoctoral Fellowships
One to three-month fellowships are available to doctoral candidates whose dissertation research involves the area of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century studies or one of the other areas represented in the Clark’s collections.
Stipend: $2,500 per month.
Application deadline: 1 February 2017