Free Hearing Test Services – Fall 2022 Semester
Do you or a family member have difficulty hearing?
Do you have a child with hearing difficulty or middle ear problems?
Do you have a child who may have difficulty processing speech?
Do you have a relative who is complaining that you do not seem to understand them?
Do you or a family member listen to the television or music at loud levels?
Do you want advice regarding custom-fitted ear-molds for your iPod?
Do you want advice regarding custom-fitted ear-protectors or swim-molds?
Do you want to try assistive devices which can help you understand television
Do you or a family member want advice about hearing aids or assistive technologies?
Do you or a family member want advice about hearing protection?
Are you a musician needing advice about your hearing and hearing protection?
Fall Appointments: Wednesdays (Only)
9:00am, 10:20am, 1:00pm & 2:30pm
The Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) Program
For Appointments, Please Call: (212) 817-7980
Services Include:
- Basic hearing and speech tests
- Hearing aid checks, hearing aid counseling
- Testing hearing of children
- Advice about hearing aids and adjustment to hearing aids
- Hearing aid checks
- Advice and opportunity to experience the benefits of hearing assistive technologies
- Advice about custom ear protection including musician ear plugs and swim molds
- Advice about custom ear buds for iPod, MP3 Players
- Auditory evoked potentials testing
- Hearing health promotion
- Opportunities to experience our portable hearing loop system
- Auditory processing tests
It is the policy of The City University of New York and the constituent colleges and units of The University to provide benefits provide services without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, legally registered domestic partnership status, disability, predisposing genetic characteristics, age, citizenship, military or veteran status, or status as a victim of domestic violence. Sexual harassment, a form of sex discrimination, is prohibited under the University’s Policy Against Sexual Harassment.
Client Rights
*Clients as consumers receiving audiology services have:
- THE RIGHT to be treated with dignity and respect;
- THE RIGHT that services be provided without regard to race or ethnicity, gender, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability;
- THE RIGHT to know the name and professional qualifications of the person or persons providing services;
- THE RIGHT to personal privacy and confidentiality of information to the extent permitted by law;
- THE RIGHT to know, in advance, the fees for services, regardless of the method of payment;
- THE RIGHT to receive a clear explanation of evaluation results, to be informed of potential or lack of potential for improvement, and to express their choices of goals and methods of service delivery;
- THE RIGHT to accept or reject services to the extent permitted by law;
- THE RIGHT that services be provided in a timely and competent manner, which includes referral to other appropriate professionals when necessary;
- THE RIGHT to present concerns about services and to be informed of procedures for seeking their resolution;
- THE RIGHT to accept or reject participation in teaching, research, or promotional activities;
- THE RIGHT, to the extent permitted by law, to review information contained in their records, to receive explanation of record entries upon request, and to request correction of inaccurate records;
- THE RIGHT to adequate notice of and reasons for discontinuation of services; an explanation of these reasons, in person, upon request; and referral to other providers if so requested.
These rights belong to the person or persons needing services. For sound legal or medical reasons, a family member, guardian, or legal representative may exercise these rights on the person’s behalf.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1994). Protection of Rights of
People Receiving Audiology or Speech-Language Pathology Services [Technical Report].
*Available from from